M H Poskitt

Guy Poskitt is aged 51 and  lives and farm in Yorkshire with his wife and two sons and is M D of the family business M H Poskitt ltd . Over the last 30 years he has built the business from being a 600 Ac tenanted farm to now farming over 6000 Ac both owned , rented and contact farmed not only in Yorkshire but in other counties of the uk .  The cropping includes combinable crops as well as sugar beet, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, pumpkins and swede.

The company is focused on waste reduction and is currently building it’s anaerobic digester to utilise vegetable waste.

Poskitt have always been carrot growers but over the last 15 years the company has expanded the vegetable business considerably by growing with retailers food service and wholesalers as well as developing a successful prepared vegetable division  . The business now has a turnover of over £30 million and employs more than 200 people.

Guy Poskitt was national vegetable grower of the year 2004 and 2010 and is 2012  farmers weekly arable farmer of the year and overall farmer of the year.

Currently Guy is national Nfu  chairman for veg and potatoes being actively involved daily with the Nfu.

The company is very focused on controlled long term growth by investing in people , the business and its customers trying to develop profitable long term relationships.
